[selection] updated March 11, 2025


  • Planetary Forest

    by Clemens Finkelstein, Claudia Hartl, Mathias Kessler. Edited by Clemens Finkelstein and Mathias Kessler. Berlin: DISTANZ, 2024.

book sections.

  • "Planetary Disequilibrium"

    Sick Architecture, ed. Beatriz Colomina. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2025.

  • “Colonial Waves from Apia to Yap: Technoscientific Network Architectures of German Expansionism in Oceania”

    Architecture in Oceania (1840-1970): Para-Colonial Influences – Colonial Transactions – Postcolonial Legacies, ed. Michael Falser. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2025.

  • “The Vibration Sense: Pallaesthesia, Sensory Substitution Design, and the Reformation of a Sixth Sense in the Early Twentieth Century”

    The Routledge History of the Senses, eds. Andrew Kettler and William Tullett. New York: Routledge. 2025.

  • "Vibration als Phänomenotechnik in den Umweltkonzeptionen der Moderne"

    Wahrnehmungskräfte - Kräfte wahrnehmen: Dynamiken der Sinne in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur, edited by Frank Fehrenbach, Laura Isengard, Gerd Micheluzzi, Cornelia Zumbusch, 391-420. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024.

  • “Seismischer Kolonialismus, Architektur und die Triangulierung der Welt. Das Geophysikalische Samoa-Observatorium in Apia (1902-1914)”

    Deutsch-koloniale Baukulturen: Eine globale Architekturgeschichte in 100 visuellenPrimärquellen, edited by Michael Falser, 58-61, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München (Passau: Klinger, 2023).

  • "Vibe, c. 1969: The Technicity of Operative Ambience in Jimi Hendrix's Electric Lady Studios"

    The Sound of Architecture: Acoustic Atmospheres in Place, edited by Angeliki Sioli and Elisavet Kiourtsoglou, 71-86. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2022.

  • "Towards a Transsensorial Technology of Abstraction (Ekstraction)"

    The Iconology of Abstraction: Non-figurative Images and the Modern World, edited by Krešimir Purgar, 193-207. New York and London: Routledge, 2021.

  • Glossary: "Anonymity"—"Ghostwriter"—"Identity"—"Pseudonymity"—"Translation"

    Politics of Design | Design of Politics, edited by Friedrich von Borries, Pinakothek der Moderne München, 129-142. Cologne: Walther König, 2019.

  • "Gästebucher eines Museums" [Guestbooks of a Museum]

    Museum Unplugged: Eine Selbstbefragung, edited by Friedrich von Borries and Roland Nachtigäller, 173-180. Herford: Marta, 2015.

  • "Object descriptions - World Improvement Machine"

    Die Berliner Weltverbesserungsmaschine: Die Rekonstruktion einer abstrakten Imagination, edited by Friedrich von Borries, Moritz Ahlert, Jens-Uwe Fischer, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin—Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1-232. Berlin: Merve, 2013.

journal articles.

  • "Das Planetarische Politisch(e) Denken”

    PVS Politische Vierteljahresschrift, vol. 63, no. 4 (December 2022): 703–728.

  • "Vibrascapes: Contact Zones and Planetary Media"

    koozArch (June 2022)

  • "Planetary Disequilibrium"

    e-flux Architecture, Sick Architecture series (May 2022)

  • "Spatialising Imponderables: Vibratory Logics of Environmental Control"

    trans 40: Phantasma (2022): 43-48.

  • "Crafting Interiority, or the Evolutionary Objectivity of Vibrating Worlds" [An Introduction to and Translation of Adolf Behne's "Biology and Cubism" (1915)]

    react/review, vol. 2, The Sprit in the Shadow (March 2022): 26-41, 42-56.

  • “‘Myself’ From a Distance: Anonymous/ Pseudonymous Cocooning”

    VVV Very Vary Veri, Harvard University Graduate School of Design (Spring 2021): 37-40.

  • "Architectures of Excarnation: Ecstatic Being, or an Ontology of Defleshing"

    San Rocco, 15: Muerte (2019): 52-61.

  • "Modern Vibrations: Tapping into the Ambient Medium"

    PNYX 65, AA Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, 2019: n.p.

  • “Datamatics : Sinnesübungen für Datatopia: Die Transgenese in Ryoji Ikedas Werk“

    ARCH+ 234, Projekt Bauhaus 3: Datatopia (March, 2019): 20-23.

  • "The Fall Through Color [Le Corbusier, Carpenter Center Plan #5789, 1961]"

    trans 30, ETH Zürich (February, 2017): 98-101.

  • "Piranesi, Movement, Fantasmal Invention"

    CARTHA 1: The Limits of Fiction in Architecture (2017): n.p.

  • "Clemens Finkelstein writes to SWINE (Super Wide Interdisciplinary New Explorers)"

    Open Letters, no. 44 (December 2, 2016): n.p.

book reviews.

  • "Le regard constructif"

    Der konstruierende Blick: Fotografisches Entwerfen in der Architektur, eds. Tobias Becker, Teresa Fankhänel, Dennis Jelonnek, Sarine Waltenspül. Translated by Jean-François Caro.

    Transbordeur: photographie, histoire, société, no. 9 Photographies et algorithmes

  • "Ancillary Accumulation"

    Accumulation: The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate Change, eds. Nick Axel, Daniel A. Barber, Nikolaus Hirsch, Anton Vidokle]

    Architectural Theory Review, vol. 27, no. 1 The Architecture of Global Governance (2023): 152-154.

  • “Anechoic Dwellings”

    Joseph L. Clarke. Echo’s Chambers: Architecture and the Idea of Acoustic Space

    Technology and Culture, vol. 63, no. 1 (January 2022): 295–296.

  • “Switching Scales”

    Etienne S. Benson. Surroundings: A History of Environments and Environmentalisms

    Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 80, no. 4 (December 2021): 491-493.

  • “Breaking the Loop”

    Iteration: Episodes in the Mediation of Art and Architecture, ed. Robin Schuldenfrei

    Journal of Design History, vol. 34, no. 4 (December 2021): 392-394.

  • "Chromophiles and Chromophobes"

    Michael Rossi. The Republic of Color: Science, Perception, and the Making of Modern America

    HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology, vol. 15, no. 1 (June 2021): 153-155.

  • "Subjects, Not Objects"

    Esra Akcan. Open Architecture: Migration, Citizenship, and the Urban Renewal of Berlin Kreuzberg by IBA-1984/87

    Art Papers, vol. 42, no. 2, Ports of Call, guest-edited by Carson Chan (Summer 2018): 85-87.

exhibition reviews.

  • "Critical Timing, Discomfort, and the Architecture of Change"

    It’s About Time: The Architecture of Change, an exhibition curated by Véronique Patteeuw, Léa-Catherine Szacka, Derk Loorbach, and Peter Veenstra, presented in the 10th Architecture Biennale Rotterdam at The Ferro. Rotterdam, September 22–November 13, 2022

    Architectural Histories, vol. 11, no.1 (2023): 1-8.

  • “BDSModern Architecture"

    Monica Bonvicini, “I do You” at Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany, 11/25/2022 - 04/30/2023

    aer - Architectural Exhibition Review (February 2023): n.p.

  • “(Home) Alone"

    “Who’s Next? Homelessness, Architecture and Cities” at MK&G Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany, 10/14/2022 - 03/12/2023

    aer - Architectural Exhibition Review (February 2023): n.p.

edited volumes.

  • e-flux Reader: TIME

    e-flux | 2020

    Confined to space, aware of its limits like never before, we are at a global juncture that is determined by a radicalized economy of time. Dilating and contracting through discrete operations of technological systems and communicational networks, spatial experience is either completely dulled (stay-at-home), taken from us (borders closed), or apportioned along a binary spectrum that enacts inherent violence. In Bogotá and Lima, the government determined that “women” may leave their home on even days and “men” on uneven days, legally forcing queer and trans identities to conform in public in order to survive. The reader assembles texts, comics, and soundscapes from the e-flux journal archive to read the individuating intensity of time from a multiplicity of angles.

    contributions | Yuk Hui, Tristan Garcia, Raqs Media Collective, Bernard Stiegler and Irit Rogoff, Lamin Fofana, Reza Negarestani / Keith Tilford, María Iñigo Clavo, Antke Engel, Trevor Paglen, Andrei Platonov

  • PIDGIN 25

    Spring 2019

    contributions | Anthony Vidler, Emma Macdonald with photographs by Anna Puigjaner, Brittany Utting, Emma Macdonald and Brittany Utting, Adamo-Faiden, Courtney Coffman, Julian Harake, Max Kuo, fala atelier, Ruo Jia, Neyran Turan, Ryan Roark, WASA, Michael Robinson Cohen, Jae Shin, V. Mitch McEwen, M. Wesam Al Asali and Sofia Singler.

  • Cross-Talk #9: The Architecture Play

    Archinect | Spring 2019

    contributions | Kathryn Strand, Jon Yoder, Taraneh Meshkani, Anthony Morey, Ivan Bernal, Clemens Finkelstein.

  • PIDGIN 24

    Fall 2018

    contributions | Erin Besler and Ian Besler, Zach Cohen w/ response by Ryan Luke Johns, Andrea Tse Fung Ng, Daniel Jacobs, Zachariah DeGiulio, Joanna Grant, Savia Palate, Isidoro Michan Guindi, Justin Fowler, George Grylls , Mélanie Daguin, Andrej Iwanski, Daniel Roche, Ali Reza Shahbazin, Parsa Khalili, and Steve Martinez.

  • PIDGIN 23

    Spring 2018

    contributions | Samia Henni, Sylvia Lavin, Brittany Utting, James Michael Tate with response by Jennifer Bonner, Jongwan Kwon with response by Debbie Chen, Jimmy Carter, Brandon Clifford, Evan Pavka with response by Jaffer Kolb, Min Keun Park, Thomas Feary, Igor Bragado and Rennie Jones with response by Spyros Papapetros, A. Melissa Harris with response by Michael Young, and Emma Benintende and Kate Yeh Chiu.

  • Martin Kozlowski _ 04.05.16-28.02.17 _ Frankfurt am Main / Stockholm

    edited by Clemens Finkelstein, artworks by Martin Kozlowski, design by Elias Awada. Stockholm: Awada Publishing, 2017.

  • MASKS : 1 : Faux Families

    Spring 2017

    edited by Clemens Finkelstein and Anthony Morey

    contributions | Francesca R. Forlini, Deborah Garcia, Greg Logan and Ali Karimi, Martin Kozlowski and Clemens FInkelstein, Daniella Leon, Ryan Tyler Martinez, Valerie von Kittlitz, Yevhenia Haidamaka, Anthony Morey

  • MASKS : 0 : NIX

    Spring 2016

    edited by Clemens Finkelstein and Anthony Morey

    contributions | Konstantinos Chatzaras, Kate Cahill, Christianna Bennett, Adam Himes, Zahra Savaferdi and Zack Matthews, Razan Tariq Sijeeni, Anthony Morey, Alex Timmer, Tairan An, Xuan Luo, Chris Norton Riley, Letizia Garzoli and Andrea Dutto, Clemens Finkelstein, Yoonjee Koh, Eliyahu Keller and Namik Mackic


  • Architectures of Vibration: Environmental Control, Seismic Colonialism, and Planetary Epistemology 1898-1928

    Ph.D. Thesis | Princeton University (2024)

    advisor: Spyros Papapetros

    committee: Mara Mills, Sylvia Lavin, Georg Vrachliotis, Olga Touloumi

  • Mediation/Derivation: Jan Ruhtenberg's Apprenticeship with Mies van der Rohe and Architectural Modernism in Displacement

    MDes Thesis | Harvard University (2017)

    advisor: Erika Naginski

    committee: K. Michael Hays, Catherine Ingraham, Hadas Steiner, Lucy Maulsby, John May, Michael Osman, Sonja Duempelmann, S. E. Eisterer, Daniel Abramson

  • Transgenesis: Translation/Transformation in Ryoji Ikeda's "Datamatics" Project — Perceptualization of Data

    BA Thesis | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2014)

    advisors: Robin Schuldenfrei, Charlotte Klonk

research | editorial assistance.

  • Magic Architecture

    The Story of Human Housing

    by Frederick Kiesler, edited by Spyros Papapetros and Gerd Zillner

    320 pp., 8 x 12 in, 200 figures
    Published: October 1, 2024
    Publisher: The MIT Press

  • Seeing Trees

    A History of Street Trees in New York City and Berlin

    by Sonja Dümpelmann

    336 pp., 7 x 11 in, 20 color + 120 b-w illus.
    Published: January 8, 2019
    Publisher: Yale University Press

  • Weil Design die Welt verändert ...

    Texte zur Gestaltung

    edited by Friedrich von Borries and Jesko Fezer

    240 pp.,
    Published: July 1, 2013
    Publisher: Gestalten